Many came out today to pay their respects and lay a wreath for their loved one at Oak Hill’s High Lawn Memorial Park.
They join millions across the country for Wreaths Across America.
“It’s always a pleasure and an honor to honor those who served the country and died for it,” said United States Marine Corps Sgt. John Riffe.
Wreaths Across America says remember the fallen, honor those who serve and teach the next generation the value of freedom. More than 1400 wreaths are being placed on veterans’ graves at High Lawn Memorial Park to do just that.
They’ve made the ultimate sacrifice and for the life we live today, we are indebted to all the fallen. We will never forget you.
“Especially during this holiday season, it’s tough enough. But we always want to remember our fallen heroes,” said High Lawn Family Service Counselor Fred Rickman III.
To be there and take part in this is a way Civil Air Patrol (Air Force Auxiliary) First Lieutenant Asher Given says he can reciprocate what they’ve done to allow him the freedom to live in America.
“I feel like they’re not recognized enough,” Given said. “It’s a shame when people realize what other people had to go through to be here in a free state.”
It’s the 10th year of Wreaths Across America at High Lawn, where there are a little over 2300 veterans buried. For Sgt. John Riffe — being there for their 2023 honoree: Jim Murdock Jr. means…
“Everything, he’s just one of our brothers… it’s turned into a family affair,” said Riffe.
Wreaths Across America hits close to home for Given, who comes from a military family.
“My dad was in the military; my great grandfather was in World War II and it’s just a way I can show my respects to them and all the people that they fought with,” the First Lieutenant said.
Rickman says he can’t wait to see the day they have enough donations to cover every veteran’s grave.
“With a wreath and for the communities, business owners and families to help support us and come out and help us place ’em for their loved ones,” he said.