Oak Hill, WV (WOAY) – Oak Hill Sanitary Board won the 2022 Wastewater System of the Year award at the Water on the Mountain conference hosted by the West Virginia Rural Water Association. Oak Hill Sanitary Board earned the award for their response in rescuing a failing wastewater collection and treatment system, Arbuckle Public Service District. The Oak Hill Sanitary Board credits the dedicated staff of the Oak Hill Sanitary Department that run day-to-day operations for the accomplishment, including 2021’s Wastewater Operator of the Year winner Steven Whitmore.
The city decommissioned the former Arbuckle treatment plant by building a new pump station to transport flows to the Minden Road wastewater treatment plant. The project resulted in the Minden wastewater plant receiving an average daily flow of 1.3 million gallons of water per day with a peak flow of 2.65 gallons per day.
Additionally, the board made significant repairs and replacements to the collection system, upgrading the Route 61 wastewater treatment plant to treat millions of gallons of water per day. The upgrade included a new pretreatment system, converting equalization basins to sequencing batch reactor treatment basis, and upgrading two existing sequencing batch reactor basins.