Quantez Burks died March 1 in Southern Regional Jail custody, at the hands of corrections officers — who according to their 23-page indictment… knowingly conspired to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate him.
His mother Kimberly says she will never stop fighting for answers and justice… as long as it takes.
She sent me a statement regarding her thoughts about the indictments.
“I and my family are still standing behind the cover-up story concerning my son, Quantez Burks death at the hands of the COs at the Southern Regional Jail. It’s a disgrace that it has taken 18 months to have people held accountable for his death.”
“As reported earlier, Jim Justice and Homeland Security have not worked with us at all to obtain any information. They have never given their condolences to my family until a news report came out.”
“I am extremely pleased with the FBI and DOJ and their hard work in obtaining indictments on all parties involved.”
When I first spoke to Kim back in August she shared this with me:
“They’re not sweeping him under the rug; we’re not settling for no dollars because it can’t bring him back,” she said. “These workers didn’t go in there to be murderers; they are trained from the old staff that’s been doing it.
“And they see that they’ve been doing it and been getting by with it, so it’s acceptable. And it’s not acceptable to me, his fiancé, his daughter. It’s not acceptable at all. And they will be held accountable.”
The trial for four of the former SRJ correction offices has been set for Jan. 23.
Stay with WOAY-TV for the latest on this ongoing investigation.