BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – Tuesday night, the Beckley City Council voted to nominate Dr. Kristi Dumas to the Beckley Human Rights Commission.
Dr. Dumas has dedicated her life to inclusion and diversity, especially regarding people of color, people with disabilities, and women. She says that she is excited to work with the other experts on the commission and continue to help with the ongoing initiatives.
“I’m looking very forward to any of the initiatives, we have several going right now that we are apart of,” said Human Rights Commission nominee Dr. Kristi Dumas. “One is the diversity in hiring that is an ongoing initiative. We have the women in business, which is a collaboration with Dumas Psychology Collective and the Downtown Beckley Business Association. There are lots of great things going on that I hope to be able to add my energy, creativity, and passion to.”
Dr. Dumas also said she looks forward to helping make Beckley an even better place to live.