CHARLESTON, WV (WOAY) – West Virginia Maple syrup production increased by 2,000 gallons in 2020 for a total of 16,000 gallons for the year. This increased occurred despite a 5,000 decrease from the total number of taps placed in 2019, 80,000. Yield per tap was 0.213 gallons, up from the 2019 yield per tap of 0.175 gallons.
“Even though our producers faced less than ideal conditions, we still saw an upward trend for the maple industry. A lot of this is due to the advances in technology and the maturity of West Virginia’s production,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhardt. “I am proud of how far we have come in recent years.”
On average, the maple syrup season lasted from February 4, 2020, to March 9, 2020, or 34 days. The first date for recorded sap collection was January 12, 2020, and the last was April 1, 2020. The average price per gallon was $41.10 in 2019, eight percent below 2018. Bulk prices in 2019 were $2.10 per pound, down from $2.90 per pound in 2018, and $20.00 per gallon, down from $32.20 per gallon the previous year. Percent of sales by type in 2019 was 26 percent retail, up from 23 percent the previous year; eight percent wholesale, down from 17 percent in 2018; and 66 percent bulk, up from 60 percent in 2018.
United States maple syrup production totaled 4.37 million gallons, up five percent from the revised previous season. The number of taps totaled 13.5 million, up 1 percent from the revised 2019 total. Yield per tap was 0.324 gallon, up 0.012 gallon from the revised previous season. The 2019 United States average price per gallon was $31.00, down $2.80 from 2018. The value of production, at $129 million for 2019, was down 9 percent from the 2018 season.