The Polar Vortex: What is it Really?

WOAY-TV (Oak Hill, WV): With the next Arctic Outbreak looming close, we take a dive into what the Polar Vortex is and how it will affect our area:

THE MYTH: The “Polar Vortex” terminology only started becoming popular in the mid-2010’s, particularly during the 2014-2015 winter. Many mistook the Polar Vortex as the actual storm, something that is created and dissipates. In reality, the Polar Vortex is a large area of low pressure and cold air always present in the poles. This vortex’s cold air and low pressure can seep into Canada and the United States, which is what causes confusion when using the term alongside these Arctic Outbreaks.

HOW IT WORKS: The Polar Vortex has two layers, the tropospheric and the stratospheric. The stratospheric is higher in the atmosphere and is not very present in our area. Instead, our focus is on the tropospheric vortex, which is closer to the surface and the source of most of our Arctic Outbreaks. When the Jet Stream weakens, often due to teleconnections, the area can seep into our area as the jet dips down below us.

NEXT WEEK: Over the next week, we will have an Arctic Outbreak that spans from the Rockies to New England from Sunday to next Thursday. We will primarily see very low temperature and even lower wind chills, along with some opportunities for a powdery, dry snow at the beginning and end of the outbreak. Meteorologist Christian Boteler has the details:

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