RALEIGH COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – Sheriff Scott Van Meter has officially been elected to serve his second term as Raleigh County Sheriff as he ran unopposed in this year’s election.
Sheriff Van Meter says he wants to continue building on the momentum of his first term as he continues to work with local and state law enforcement to crack down on drug dealers.
He says another focus of his second term will be his work with task forces for internet crimes against children and violent crimes against children.
“And a third thing I’d like to do is to add to the numbers in our department,” he said. “We’re in the testing process now, and we’re going to get back because we’ve lost a few from retirements and things like that. We’ll want to add more people in the next four years, so we can have more people to work the road and answer calls and respond to people’s needs in the county.”
Sheriff Van Meter’s new term will start in January.