WASHINGTON D.C. (WOAY) – Senator Shelley Moore Capito held a press conference on Thursday to discuss parts of the next Covid relief package.
Senator Capito mentioned that a large portion of the upcoming relief bill is long-term spending items and not the vaccine distribution and economic relief needed. The biggest things senator Capito wants to see in this next bill are stimulus checks, personnel protection for restaurant and hospitality businesses, funding for schools, funding for vaccine distribution and testing, and more enhanced unemployment for those still out of work.
“We had enhanced unemployment which I believe in at a three hundred dollar level, he has it at four hundred, four hundred is fine,” said Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV). “One of the things we tried to do was limit the amount of time because some people have expressed problems with getting some people back to work because they are on enhanced unemployment and they can actually make more on unemployment than they would if they were working and so we want to get back to full employment.”
Senator Capito also said the House of Representatives is working on the bill and expects more action on it later this week.