Hazard the Movie helps bring awareness and support with the opioid crisis

NEW MARTINSVILLE, WV (WOAY)- Eddie Mensore, of New Martinsville, wrote the feature-length film “Hazard” back in 2003.

The film tells the story of a desperate small-time drug dealer, played by Alex Roe, who is pursued by an old friend from high school, played by Dave Davis, who heads the police department’s efforts to rid the drug crisis in their small town.

“Hazard” is based in rural Appalachia but the story is prevalent across the country and even the world.

“I’ve learned a lot about addiction. I’ve seen friends struggle severely. I’ve lost friends to addiction. I think what most addicts will tell you is it’s a day at a time,” said Dave Davis, actor in the film. “The hope comes from this feeling that every day is a potential day to be the first day of the rest of your life. It’s every day is an opportunity to reshape yourself and to grow and to heal.”

Mensore wanted to help give back to the community and teamed up with HOPE in the Hills. During this time of screenings, limited edition film shirts are being sold and all the proceeds will go to Healing Appalachia. This will help as they are a non-profit that focuses on recovery and helps their efforts

“We give out grants to boots on the ground, grassroots groups who are out there every day doing the work and everything from like, you know, summer camps for foster kids to music therapy,” explained Dave Lavender, HOPE in the Hills/Healing Appalachia. “We sponsor music therapy at WVU Medicine at Recovery Point in Huntington, and also a couple of homeless shelters down in Knoxville, Tennessee. So all the money that we get from it is very kind contribution from ‘Hazard’ that all get plowed into some of our grants and then some of our outreach.”

The topic of the opioid crisis across Appalachia is a sensitive topic for many but Davis encourages people to see it.

“So, yes, the film deals with some extreme subject matter and some very dark moments and some, some disturbing moments,” said Davis. “But ultimately, I think it tells a story of love. It tells a story of community. It tells the story of hope. So to anyone who might be feeling like I can’t watch that, that’s too intense for me, I would encourage you to challenge yourself and recognize that there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Hazard the Movie actor Dave Davis speaks on how the team worked on telling this story.

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