Concerns about Morrisey’s WV DEI ban

BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – Our new Republican governor, Patrick Morrisey has banned DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) across West Virginia, eliminating state funding for the inclusive initiatives.

This move has some worried it will disproportionately affect marginalized communities.

“It’s old-fashioned to have strictly white people in any state anymore,” said Beckley resident, Landon Bird. “I’ve been all over the Midwest, a lot of West Coast; haven’t done much East Coast, but it seems like this is an old-fashioned state. “I love West Virginia, but the people seem to kind of like it the way it’s always been.”

Bird says the Mountain State has a diversity problem (one of the 2024 US Census’ least racially diverse states) — and eliminating DEI is concerning.

“Don’t know what diversity numbers we have now, but they’re pretty little. There are a lot of Hispanics in Kansas, where I come from. They take the feed yard and mechanic jobs that nobody wants,” said the respiratory therapist. “By them coming there, we see what they like to eat, what they like to do, their traditions. It’s nice to see what else is out there.”

While individuals and companies have become more racially and socially inclusive, there’s also been a backlash against those efforts, from conservatives across the industry spectrum.

“Most other states welcome having new people come in,” Bird said. ” Then you have different families come in, more jobs. Only positives I see from making the diversity bigger here.”

At least 10 states have implemented diversity, equity, and inclusion restrictions — add West Virginia to that list. While the respiratory therapist loves it here…

“I have plenty of other states I could also go to,” he said. “That’s kind of the pull of West Virginia. (If) we have more stuff like that then more people want to stay or come here. But if things don’t change, I’ll probably pack up and go the next state.”

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