FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – This weekend and next weekend, if you follow the Christmas star, you’ll find baby Jesus.
Kaymoor Community Church puts on its 4th annual live nativity scene to tell the story of Jesus’s birth. On Friday and Saturday, you can visit the live nativity complete with live animals from 6 to 9 p.m. This year, however, things are a bit different.
“We’ve obviously had to change it to where it’s drive-through only,” said pastor Adam Trzicak. “In the past, we would allow people to get out of their cars and interact with the cast and even feed some of the animals, but with the pandemic, we’ve had to limit it to just drive-through. With that being said, we still have opportunities for people to come through, slow down and take pictures.”
The event is free to the public. Visitors are free to interact with characters from the safety of their vehicles.