RALEIGH COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – “I got the Saint Nicholas snow report and it looks like tonight just about sleigh time we’re going to have a snow storm moving in.”
With the forecast calling for snow, this Christmas Eve Santa looks to have a messy commute, or does he? Snow is actually beneficial to Santa because it allows for better landing conditions for his sleigh. As a matter of fact, the ideal conditions for Santa are similar to those for sledding and tubing.
“We’ve had great conditions so far, where we’ve had temperatures that are very seasonal,” said Winter Place Executive Vice President Tom Wagner. “They are going to be in the low thirties or in the mid-twenties. We are off to a great start.”
Executive Vice President of Winter Place Ski Resort Tom Wagner says that the incoming weather will be perfect for their slopes and Santa since it will add more snow to the ground. He also says that it doesn’t matter what type of snow you have as long as you have some snow.
“You want snow, that’s the most important thing,” Wagner said. “We groom the snow so that the surface is manageable snow so it changes. Anytime we’ve got snow it’s a good time. You change your technique a little bit each time, but we got people out tubing having fun and we got people skiing.”
So with snow in the forecast and temperatures in the teens and twenties conditions look pretty good for both Santa’s sleigh and your sled. Just be sure to bundle up to keep warm.
Stay tuned to WOAY on the night of December 24th for the latest on Santa’s track to your house.