Charleston, W.Va. – Nearly 400 students in 38 high schools and middle schools from across the state submitted 55 video entries for the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration’s (WVABCA) 7th Annual NO School Spirits PSA (Public Service Announcement) contest.
The NO School Spirits PSA contest is an educational program designed to prevent underage drinking. Students take part in developing videos that highlight the dangers of underage alcohol consumption. West Virginia’s youth address negative consequences such a drinking and driving, alcohol overdoses, crime, and even academic and athletic failure. WVABCA Commissioner Fred Wooton said, “Involving our youth in a program to prevent underage drinking can be an effective tool to save lives.”
The number of entries received and schools participating nearly doubled over last year’s contest. WVABCA Commissioner Fred Wooton said, “Clearly the program is successfully serving a great need and public interest continues to grow. The contest was very competitive this year with many high-qualityvideo entries. I have decided to expand the recognition of winners beyond the top three to now include a fourth place and fifth place recognition.”
The WVABCA is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s contest:
Funding for the NO School Spirits PSA program is provided by State Farm®and National Alcohol Beverage Control Association. The year’s first place winner, Mt. Hope Christian Academy, will have their video entry aired on television and radio stations across the state during the 2020 prom and graduation season. In addition, the WVABCA is planning to hold award ceremonies for the winning schools to unveil the PSA and highlight the winning videos. These events are being planned for April to coincide with the PSA release and National Alcohol Awareness Month.