BECKLEY, WV (WOAY)—The Women’s Expo in Raleigh County, hosted by Southern Communications, is in its 27th year. The event brings a variety of local small businesses together for all to enjoy. It has quite a story of how it developed over time.
“When it first started 27 years ago, it was solely devoted to women’s products. Over the years, it has grown and adapted to be a full family affair,” said Lola Riser, Southern Communications. “But everybody knows it as the women’s expo. So we don’t change the name because the name is tradition, but it’s a family expo in every sense of the word. It’s held during Women’s Health Month, which is a month dedicated to women. So we keep it the Women’s Expo.”
On top of the vendors, visitors can meet Big Foot, Spiderman, and even the Easter Bunny, who came out to enjoy the women’s expo as spring just kicked off the other day. He said he was having a great time and hope you all will join him.
So, if you want a chance to meet the Easter bunny yourself at the women’s expo, come check him out at Savanna Smiles Photography in the convention center. While there’s so much to see and do at this expo, more importantly, there are providers dedicated to women’s health as March is Women’s History Month.
“We have so many things dedicated to women’s health. One of the things that we’re super excited about is one of our main sponsors, Charleston Area Medical Center, Vandalia Health, has a new mobile mammography lab,” explained Riser. “So that’s super exciting to have that portable mammography lab, and people can see it out front of the convention center here at the Women’s Expo. Plus, we have many of our providers here with us that focus on women’s health. So there are many ways that people can find out more not only about physical health, but mental health as well. ”
However, the main reason to visit is to support your local businesses like Haven Scented creations.
“It is very beneficial. It helps small businesses like me to get more exposure and possibility of expanding more with a variety of different customers in different areas,” said Tikeya Johnson, Owner of Haven Scented Creations.
Events like this make all the hard work these creators do all the more worth it.
“It’s very time-consuming, down to the little details of painting embeds, different types of wax, and testing,” said Johnson. “It’s very time-consuming, but it’s very worth it. And I love seeing people smile and love saying they love my items.”
Lola Riser with Southern Communications says it’s a rite of passage into the spring season.
“We love doing this. It is a staple of spring, and we would not be able to do it without the support of the community and the support of our vendors and our sponsors,” explained Riser. “And we want to thank them very much for giving us 27 years of support.”