FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – In correlation with an executive order released by the Biden Administration on environmental protection reinforcement, the reinstatement of migratory bird protections, and a reset of the original Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1916, is now underway throughout the country.
This reinforcement will potentially weaken industrial and human-related activities that have been known to annually cause bird deaths that could otherwise be prevented. But apparently, this reset will not be doing any more than the actions that have already been taken to protect the birds.
“What the current administration is doing to my knowledge is resetting that back to the original agreement that we were supposed to be adhering to,” says Wendy Perrone, Executive Director at Three Rivers Avian Center. “So, it’s not that anything has necessarily been changed or added, it has been set to where it was all agreed upon first.”
“Here in West Virginia, we have a unique situation because so much of our ecosystem is forested or still in very good shape, we’re kind of a sink,” she says.