NICHOLAS COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – The Nicholas County Health Department with help from the local emergency management and fire departments distributed the Moderna vaccine to seniors over the age of eighty. They held the distribution at the Nazarene Camp in Summersville starting at ten o’clock this morning. Emergency Manager Charley Bickford said cars were lined up ready to go before eight o’clock.
“We had anticipated a fairly good crowd today, which we have validated today,” said Nicholas County Emergency Manager Charley Bickford. “When we showed up at eight o’clock this morning there were cars lined up ready to rock and roll. We were able to get them in, processed, and get everybody on their way.”
To provide the vaccines as quickly as possible the health department distributed the vaccines both via a drive-through and a conventional sit-down clinic. The health department received about one-hundred-fifty to two hundred doses of the vaccine to be distributed this morning. Those who receive the Moderna vaccine are required to get a second dose in twenty-eight days.
“Everybody gets a card that has the due date on the back of it and I’ve been instructing everyone to call the health department to make sure that we have the vaccine and when we plan to do the clinic for them,” said Nurse Administrator for the Nicholas County Health Department Kelly Amick.
The health department is planning to hold more clinics once more doses of the vaccine are available and they are glad to be able to finally distribute a vaccine to the public.
“We are just so happy to serve our community and be able to offer this vaccine finally after this long, long, long pandemic has struck our county,” said Amick.
For information on the future vaccine clinics check out the Nicholas County Health Department’s Facebook page.