FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Kicking off a new year of featuring artists’ work from around West Virginia and across the Appalachia, the Love Hope Center for the Arts in Fayetteville is gearing up for its evening reception for the gallery’s first art show of 2022.
The theme for the first exhibition will focus solely on Charleston-area artists.
“Love Hope Center for the Arts as a non-profit is to educate the community through exhibitions, classes, actual education, and an exhibition like this is an important component, showing people in the area what talented artists are like right underneath their noses and they might not even realize it,” says Jamie Lester, Founder of the Love Hope Center for the Arts.
The art center is booking a whole year full of various talents; they’ll feature them not only through artwork, but host area musicians, poets, and other talents on the stage of their main gallery.
After the Charleston-area artist exhibit, the center plans to continue to highlight different artists’ work from specific places across the region.
“It’s a theme we plan to do on different parts of the state, to reach out to different cities in the state and grab artists and the art scene from that area and pull that scene into Fayetteville,” Lester says.
The art center plans to host other kinds of exhibitions, too. The next one is set to feature a solo exhibition from Alabama artist Abe Partridge, as well as another featuring Doris Fields aka Lady D. of Beckley starting Feb. 5.
The Charleston artist exhibit will be up until Feb. 24 at the Love Hope Center.
For more information on what the center has planned for this year, you can visit their website or by following their Facebook page.