FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Many parks around the state are closing down to encourage people to stay home.
The town of Fayetteville recently made the decision to close all of their city parks.Some parks have even been blocked off by police tape.
The decision was made by the Fayetteville town hall after many city officials noticed people weren’t taking social distancing seriously enough. Fayetteville superintendent Matt Diederich said closing the parks with police tape was an added measure to ensure no one would go to them.
“I’m hoping that people would abide by Governor Justice’s mandate to keep social distance and they weren’t. So we thought that was like a real opportunity for us to kind of take charge and force people to not use the parks,” Diederich said.
Governor Justice has also recently ordered all state parks to close. When the governor’s executive orders to stay at home are lifted, the parks will likely reopen without issue.