FAYETTE COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – The Fayette County Family Resource Network met on Zoom to discuss any community updates from local resources.
“Before COVID-19, we would give updates on what we’re working on and how the network can help each other,” said director Diane Callison. “Our goal is to limit the amount of overlap of agencies providing the same service for the same need, that way we’re all not doing the same thing. We’re all not trying to reinvent the wheel.”
Since the pandemic, community resources haven’t planned many outreach events, so much of the FRN’s meetings have been about changes to services offered and office hours. The monthly meetings are open to the public and can be a resource to residents needing assistance.
“Indirect services would include coordinating the agencies in the county who do provide the services to children [and] families in the area. Also, a resource directory to provide contacts and the list of services that are being provided. And just to be a liaison from the community members to the agencies in the area.”
In a rural area such as Fayette County, many people may not have access to the internet to search for a resource when they need it. Fayette County FRN serves as a jumping off point for those needing help.
“They shouldn’t go without. They shouldn’t think ‘this is how life is because I don’t have internet, I can’t find out who can help me or who needs help.’ We’re just trying to reach those people who can’t search for themselves or don’t know where to start, even.”
To stay up-to-date with the Fayette County FRN, follow their Facebook page.