SURVEYOR, WV (WOAY) – Raleigh County Parks and Recreation announced at the county commission meeting last week that it’s reopening its Halloween costume vault.
The costume vault is a fundraiser held out at Lake Stephens where parents and children can select donated Halloween costumes for October 31st. Children must be present with their parents in order to acquire the costumes.
“This year is a tough year for everybody,” aid Raleigh County Parks and Recreation Executive Director Molly Williams. “If people can’t afford a costume, they can come out and grab a costume from us. When they’re done with it, if they want to re-donate it so a kid next year can trick-or-treat again next year that would be great. If parents choose not to trick-or-treat this year, they might have an activity at home for their kids.”
The normal business hours for Lake Stephens are 8 am- 4 pm weekdays, and the costume vault is located at the pavilion at the end of the main road.