OAK HILL, WV (WOAY) – On June 23, 2020, Oak Hill authorities responded to a house explosion on Fayco Avenue after a resident of the home ran across the street to alert the police.
“Officers who responded yesterday said there was a crowd of neighbors in the street. This was just a couple of streets away from the police station, and one of the juveniles ran over to the police department to report it,” Oak Hill Police Chief Mike Whisman said.
It is unclear what caused the explosion. At the time, the house was occupied by three residents, all under the age of 18. All residents were able to escape the house and make it to the street. During the incident, one of the resident’s clothing caught on fire and was severely burned.
“The juveniles were teen years, so I don’t know if it was expected to have adult supervision,” said Whisman.
According to a source close to the family, the victim was sent to a hospital in Charleston with 3rd-degree burns and later transported to a burn facility in Ohio.
“The juvenile was on fire. I think neighbors maybe a business right in the area helped extinguished the flames and started taking care of her and wait until the ambulance came,” said Whisman.
This incident is currently being investigated. Stay with WOAY for further details.