MT. HOPE, WV (WOAY) – Harmony for Hope is a local organization within the Mt. Hope community that is all about bringing people together through art, music, and education, important assets that are very much needed within the region. The organization wants to spread art throughout the Mt. Hope community, but they need willing volunteers to help out. Karen Leathers, the manager of Harmony for Hope, says she got the idea from seeing art in the windows of buildings in other towns throughout the region and believes that it not only makes the communities look more vibrant but also inspires hope.
“I watched as they decorated the other windows and it just changed the whole mood. It’s like everybody got happy when they were walking by instead of all grumpy,” she says.
Through the local and regional art installations, Karen Leathers hopes this project will brighten the community and bring businesses back to life. The organization plans to make this an ongoing project and decorate more storefronts every weekend.
“Arts, music and education kind of lacking and it’s good to keep it going in the community, and to encourage people to have hope that there is a future, and work together to bring everybody together to work as a team.”
The organization is looking for approximately four volunteers for this Saturday. The profit from the art that gets sold will go to the artists. The clean-up will begin at 9 A.M. and any adults interested in the arts or helping the community can sign-up.
“There can be businesses brought back to life, there can be more people come in and start a business so their kids can take over when they grow up,” she says. “There’s a lot of things that it can inspire like I said, I’ve seen it happen in other towns.”
Any interested volunteer should sign-up before Saturday on the Harmony of Hope website.
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