GREENBRIER COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – A key aspect of the Greenbrier County Board of Education’s return-to-school plan is personal safety.
There will be cleaning around the schools every day, and plenty of work with the students on how to keep themselves safe. There will be specific instruction from school nurses as well on the safest way to wear face masks.
“At the beginning of the school year, we will provide training for our staff, for our students, about how to protect themselves from COVID,” said Greenbrier County Lead School Nurse Paula McCoy. “Hand-washing. Wearing a face mask. Basically the three W’s: wear your face mask, wash your hands, watch your distance from other people. We’re striving for six feet of social distance. If we can’t achieve six, we’re going to try for three, or as much as we can get.”
This face mask training is just one of many safety measures that Greenbrier County will be taking this school year.