LEWISBURG, WV (WOAY) – For the first time in History, the Greenbrier County Republican party leads in voter registration.
Less than a week ago, the Democratic party in Greenbrier County was leading by 85 registered voters. Today, the Republican party now leads by 28 people.
“Compare that to four years ago when the gap was over 4,000 in this county with a democrat led. Today, Republicans led by 28 voters. And that dissent for the democrats and the up-sent for the Republicans continues today,” said Chairman for the Greenbrier County Republican Party, Ben Anderson.
Anderson says he believes the switch would not have been possible without the younger voters.
“There is an influx of young people in this county that they believe their hope comes from the future of the Republican party,” said Anderson.
Even though the county is now red, local Republican leaders Jack Woodrum and Douglous Mckinny say this is just the beginning.
“We need to keep working and keep our policies moving toward. We have made some very positive changes in West Virginia,” said President of Summers County Commission Jack Woodrum. “We need to maintain the Governor’s Mansion as well as the House and the Senate to continue to move toward.”
“When I was state chairman there were only six red counties and I read recently there were 22 counties now and there were another half dozen which have less than a thousand difference,” said Douglas Mckinny the Chairman for the Greenbrier County Republican Club.
Ben Anderson says he plans on keeping the ball rolling by pushing local candidates like Woodrum for the upcoming election.
“Now the key is we’re going to keep working all the way through election day to make sure our local candidates for House of Delegate, State Senate, County Commission and Sheriff are all victorious on election day and with this momentum that we now have for our conservative values we think that we can do it,” said Anderson.
Anderson says he expects the Republican party to continue to grow.