LEWISBURG, WV (WOAY) – The Greenbrier County Courthouse will re-open with limited public access on Monday, May 18th, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Public is encouraged to follow the following guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety:
-Encouraged to continue to utilize options that do not require in-person contact; phone, email, regular mail, and drop boxes (see contact info. below)
-Encouraged to make an appointment or call ahead before coming to the Courthouse to make sure you can be assisted.
-Required to go through the screening process at the front door before entering the Courthouse. Health questions, as well as a temperature check, will be required. Access may be denied based on screening.
-Strongly encouraged to wear a mask or face covering while in the Courthouse.
-Strongly advised to limit only the person needing to conduct business to enter the Courthouse.
-Required to follow CDC guidelines relating to social distancing, keep 6 feet between each other while in the Courthouse, and practice good hygiene.
-Limited to only 2 people allowed in the Sheriff’s Tax Office, the Assessor’s Office, the County Clerk’s office and the Circuit Clerks office at one time and will be required to sign in and out with Security.
-Limited to only 1 person allowed in the Prosecutor’s Office, Judge’s Office, County Commission Office, Planning and Zoning Office, Fiduciary Office and Probation Office at a time. If at all possible, it is preferred for security to call these particular offices to notify staff of the person wishing to come to that office. We want to try to limit traffic as much as possible in the basement and second floor.
-May be asked to wait in their vehicles if attending a judicial hearing until the judicial assistant calls and notifies when to enter the Courthouse.
-Strongly encouraged to use check or money order when making payment for services.
-Asked to be patient and courteous while in the Courthouse.
-Stay home in feeling ill.
Other information:
Restrooms – We plan to restrict public use of the restroom to the men and women’s restroom at the foot of the stairs in the basement. They will be labeled public only. On the second floor, handicap restrooms will be available to the public.
Elevator – we urge only one person in the elevator at a time if at all possible.
Hand Sanitizer – We will provide gel hand sanitizer refills for each office for an opening for employees. Hand sanitizer stations are on the wall for public use at the Assessor’s office, Sheriff’s Tax Office, County Clerk’s Office, and Circuit Clerks Office. Hand sanitizer stations will also be in the lobby and outside the courtroom for the public.
Cleaning & Sanitization – Sanitization of common areas such as the lobby, bathrooms, stairwells, elevator & waiting area, courtrooms, and entrance & exit doors will be done daily. We ask that each office sanitize your counters and sneeze guards daily as well as doorknobs and telephone receivers and any other needed areas.
Deliveries – will be brought to the respective office by the delivery person through the front door.
Circuit Clerk & Magistrate Clerk – a black lockbox is located at the front of the courthouse and encourages lawyers and litigants to continue to place documents to be filed in the lockbox or to forward documents by mail. This box will continue to be checked throughout each business day.
County Clerk – a black lockbox is located at the auxiliary front entrance by the statue and encourages lawyers and bankers to continue to place documents to be filed in the lockbox or to forward documents by mail. This box will continue to be checked throughout the day.
Sheriff’s Tax Office – Vehicle license renewals will not be available at the Greenbrier County Sheriff’s Tax Office in Lewisburg or Rupert at this time.
All of these guidelines are contingent upon the status of the COVID-19 pandemic and may change.