Gov. Justice unveils color code system for how schools will operate

back to school plans

CHARLESTON, WV (WOAY) – During a press briefing on Friday, Gov. Justice unveils the color code system for how schools will operate during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The school rating system will be based on a rolling seven-day cumulative number, which will update on Saturday’s at 9 pm.  The colors that counties will receive are green, yellow, orange, or red, which will change daily.  Justice says that to keep it fair and equal for both small and large counties, the number is based on population, using 100,000 people for a percentage basis.

The number system for each color is as follows:

• Green: 0-3

• Yellow: 3.1-9.9

• Orange: 10-24.9

• Red: 25 or greater

Justice explained that if a county goes red, then the school will be all virtual and online.

When schools start back on September 8, if their county is in orange or red, then they will start school online and not in class.

Private and Christian schools will operate a little differently, if their county goes red, then those schools will be closed.

West Virginia School Reopening Plans

Sports: Gov. Justice explained that if during the middle of the week if a county goes from yellow to orange, sports will continue through the rest of the week.  If the county goes red at any time during the week, sports will be stopped. Once schools start, if the county goes from yellow to orange sports practice will continue, but competitions will not.

More information on how sports will operate can be found by clicking here.

A detailed list of how the color code system will work and what each color represents, you can visit:

Gov. Justice also noted that nursing home and prison case data would be excluded from the county data that will decide on how schools will operate, and their color code for the week.

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