FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Gary Hough has been appointed to be the new Superintendent of Fayette County Schools beginning on July 1. For the three years prior to his initial retirement, Hough worked with outgoing Superintendent Terry George and the Board of Education on several projects. Its this familiarity with both the position and the Board that will hopefully lead to a smooth transition.
“I was very much in tune with what was going on,” Hough said. “Mr. George kept me in tune with what was going on, so I greatly appreciate that. In the last two months since I was named, uh, Mr. George has kind of let me lead different segments. As we prepare to move into the year, has given me advice, has guided me through that process, so as we move into July the 1, I wasn’t caught by surprise. I had a lot of opportunities to have input.”
Hough is currently working with a Stakeholder’s Task Force and the Health Department regarding the 2020-2021 school year in Fayette County.