FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – According to Fayette County Sheriff Mike Fridley, domestic violence incidents have been on the rise in Fayette County in the past month.
“If you’re involved in a domestic situation, try to walk away from each other. Try to go outside, get a breath of fresh air,” Fridley said.
If you find yourself in a domestic violence situation, Fridley insists you seek help before things turn violent.
“Reach out and tell someone so you can get some help and get you out of that situation.”
Fridley also says domestic violence cases can turn worse quickly if the situation is not deescalated.
This past Sunday, the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office responded to a domestic violence call near Smithers, WV that quickly turned worse. The incident involved a man holding a woman at gunpoint and ended with him pointing a gun at an officer and being shot.
Fridley insists that victims of domestic violence try to leave their situation as best they can, and to contact the police or the Women’s Resource Center for extra assistance if needed.