FAYETTE COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – Destination Downtown Oak Hill is looking for towns to participate in an Earth Day event for Fayette County.
The event is for each town in Fayette County to create a photo op for people to take pictures with. Participants will be given a checklist of each photo op location and be able to go around Fayette County and visit each one. At the end participants names will be entered in a drawing to receive prizes. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Public Information Specialist Sara Prior says this event is a great way for people to see the beauty of Fayette County and encourage them to help protect the environment.
“In Fayette County there’s several projects that are being worked on for an Earth week celebration and then this one to celebrate the entire month,” said DEP Public Information Specialist. “We really want to educate the citizens on how they can help the Earth and how their actions can help.”
To register for the event towns can contact Christa Hodges via email at christahodgeswv@gmail.com, the deadline to register is March 19th. You can also visit the Destination Downtown Facebook page for more information.