FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Every year since 2008, Wreaths Across America Day has been a tradition where fallen U.S. veterans are honored with a wreath being placed on their graves.
Now, Wreaths Across America Day is recognized in more than 1,600 locations across the country. One of those places is Huse Memorial Park in Fayetteville, where a ceremony takes place each year.
“There are millions of Americans gathering safely as one nation to remember, honor and teach. We are all proud to be Americans that live in a free society made up of many people made up of many walks of life. The freedoms we enjoy today have not come without a price,” said Cathy Bryant, GFWC West Virginia Vice President, who helped organize the local ceremony.
The wreaths honor members of each branch of the armed forces, as well as veterans who have gone unidentified. And family members of fallen veterans around the area attended the ceremony to place a wreath on their own loved one’s grave.
“Lying before us here and in cemeteries throughout this nation are men and women who gave their lives so that we can live in freedom and without fear. The United States of America was founded on the ideals of freedom, justice and equality.”
The theme for this year’s ceremony was ‘Be an American Worth Fighting For.’ The concept being that veterans fought and died for an American’s right to be free.
“I find myself often thinking, am I an American worth fighting for? Do my daily actions bring honor to those who are serving and have served our country?”
Organizer’s of the local ceremony wanted this year to be one where every veteran in the cemetery would have a wreath placed on their grave.