CHARLESTON, WV (WOAY) – COVID-19 testing is complete for all patients at Eastbrook Center, a skilled nursing center in Charleston, following a confirmed positive case on Sunday April 5. In total, seven patients tested positive for COVID-19 and 118 tested negative. Four patients have been transferred to a local hospital and three patients remain in isolation at Eastbrook Center. All patients are in stable condition, but are being monitored closely for any unexpected change in condition.
Eastbrook Center is taking all necessary precautions to prevent further spread of the virus including following CDC protocols and working cooperatively with state and local health officials.
“At the recommendation of public health officials, we are now keeping patients in isolation within the center instead of transferring them out to hospitals,” said Larry Pack, Chief Executive Officer of Stonerise Healthcare. “The practice of managing positive COVID-19 patients has varied across the country, and we initially intended to transfer positive patients to hospitals to protect non-positive patients. After conversations with public health officials, we are keeping patients in isolation in our center and doing everything possible to prevent further spread.”
Limited visitation protocols have been in place within each of the 17 skilled nursing facilites supported by Stonerise Healthcare across West Virginia since March 13, 2020. Limited visitor access means no individual, regardless of reason, is allowed to enter a facility, except under specific circumstances.
About Stonerise Healthcare: Founded in 2009, Stonerise Healthcare LLC offers innovative healthcare solutions to get patients throughout West Virginia and beyond back to health and back to life. Through its 17 skilled nursing facilities, nine Stonerise at Home locations, Stonerise Therapy line and more than 3,000 employees, the company helps the patients it serves restore their health and get the most out of their lives.