BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – At 4:00 this afternoon, the Beckley Board of Zoning Appeals was set to decide on the petition from the non-profit Carpenter’s Corner to operate its kitchen out of the former Tudor’s Building on Fourth Street.
With close to 50 people lined up at the Emmett Pugh Municipal Building, the Board postponed the meeting shortly after 4. Many people who showed up to have their voices heard were upset with this decision.
“This was a real big surprise to me,” said Beckley resident Aaron Barnes. “I showed up with a bunch of my people trying to talk about this. Especially with one of the other protesters. because she really loves the Carpenter’s Corner and has been involved with it before. Kris, she would have people go and instead of spending their money at McDonald’s go to the Carpenter’s Corner and spend money there in order to support them and to stop the stigmatization of the Carpenter’s Corner.
The people who showed up were not given a time and date of when the meeting would eventually be held.