FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – As we get further into the summer, the conditions are becoming more and more favorable for outdoor sports to resume. The Arrowhead Bike Farm is Fayetteville’s destination resort for mountain-biking activities. With a close proximity to the New River Gorge, the Bike Farm is now back open seven days a week for business.
“We have a restaurant, a bar, a full-scale mountain bike shop, sell, service repairs,” said Arrowhead Bike Farm Operations Manager Adam Stephens. “We do rentals, and we have a bunch of different levels of rentals to test out bikes. And we’re a full-functioning mountain bike school, which is what a lot of people don’t know about us. That part of our business plan is that we have a whole education program built in.”
While the Bike Farm also includes a full kitchen, “The Handle Bar” featuring craft beer and multiple camping locations, mountain biking is what it does best. Upcoming opportunities throughout the summer include a women’s weekend, a family weekend and a desire to expose the youth to the sport at an age where it will become a life-long passion.
“With our mountain bike school we offer a lot of clinics,” Stephens said. “The youth clinics that are opening back up are going to be focused on the youth to encourage them to learn mountain biking skills and create it as a lifetime sport.”
Developing skills and awareness is an essential aspect of mountain biking, and Arrowhead cares about teaching people the right way to enjoy the sport. Its clinics are organized to provide the best experience possible for everyone, no matter what age or skill level.
“The overall goal of our program is to be fun, but also to encourage confidence,” Stephens said. “When you have confidence on the trail, you’re going to enjoy our sport more and to it more often.”
Dates and details for upcoming clinics and events can be found at Arrowheadbikefarm.com