FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Snakes, birds, and even bike racing, this is just some of the activities that are going to be had for the Town of Fayetteville’s annual Wild Weekend.
A full-weekend nature festival, the Wild Weekend will feature Snakes of West Virginia presentation with Roy Moose, a Birds of Prey presentation given by the Three Rivers Avian Center, signups for a kid’s nature camp, and activities such as yoga, paddle boarding, mountain biking and a lot more.
“The big thing is that we already have so much incredible nature here in Fayetteville so it’s kind of finding a way to celebrate that and to bring it to more people because I feel like a lot of people don’t get out and explore it enough, so we’re hoping this kind of encourages people to come here and check out all of the nature we have,” says Tabitha Stover, Executive Director of the Fayetteville Visitor Center.
“And it’s a little more of an up-close view of some of the animals you wouldn’t normally get to see, like having Three Rivers Avian Center here, learning about vultures, even some under-appreciated animals, so we’re really excited about it.”
Most of the events for the nature festival will be held at the Fayetteville Visitor Center starting Aug. 13 and lasting until Aug. 15.
You can go to visitfayettevillewv.com to find out more.