BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – Beckley’s July 4th fireworks display will happen in 2020 thanks to donations from Dr. Ayne Amjad, Chick-fil-a, Beckley ARH, Faith Community Church, Appalachian Power and City National Bank – the sponsors who have offered to help with the cost of the display. The fireworks show will begin at 9:30 pm on July 4th and can be seen in the area around the Beckley-Raleigh County Convention Center.
After it was revealed last week that the City of Beckley’s July 4th Fireworks display would be cancelled, Dr. Ayne Amjad contacted Mayor Rappold to see if the display could still happen. Originally, the city’s fireworks contractor, Pyrotecnico, requested that a fireworks decision be made six weeks in advance. In mid-May, the city was faced with reduced city revenues and the mayor and the administration contemplated the possibility that the City might need to lay off a few employees, so the fireworks expense could not be justified. The administration did not want to ask local businesses, who may have been struggling at the time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to help fund the cost. “Thanks to Dr. Amjad for stepping up for the community to raise funds for the fireworks display and to the other generous businesses and organizations who are donating to make it happen. We appreciate Pyrotecnico for fitting us into their schedule after their deadline,” says Mayor Rappold.
Dr. Amjad adds, “Being outdoors and enjoying fireworks for the Fourth of July is one of the summertime favorites for kids and families to enjoy and we want to have the show. It is good for our mental health.”
Any other businesses or organizations who wish to donate towards sponsoring the fireworks show may contact the Mayor’s Office at 304-256-1750.