BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – The City of Beckley is announcing the spending plan for funds from the CARES Act. This is money given to the city from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
More than half a million dollars in CARES Act funding is coming to Beckley from the federal government.
“We’re going to spend $20,000 we’re giving it to the housing authority, they’re going to try to install cameras for security at some of their apartments,” said grant writer Angela King.
Beckley Common Council will vote at the next council meeting on whether to pass the spending plan.
“We’re going to spend 100 thousand on street improvements. It’s not just paving the streets. We completely dig up a street and put a new one down,” said King
The funds provided by HUD is an annual grant to the city. The federal grant also included a coronavirus aid package. This money is coming from a bill passed by Congress to help with COVID-19 relief for the city
“We also have a second pot of money, which is the COVID money, and what we’re going to spend it on commission on aging, they are going to do their meals to wheels expansion,” said King.
The spending will not be approved until October 1st.
“So once council approves we have to spend it to HUD and in the new calendar year for the federal government will start October 1st. So the money can’t be touched until then,” said King.
There will be another vote in October to finalize the spending plans.