Public Service Commission orders Page-Kincaid PSD and West Virginia American Water to come to an agreement

CHARLESTON, WV (WOAY) – The Public Service Commission has ordered Page-Kincaid PSD and West Virginia American Water Company (WVAWC) to come to an agreement regarding the future of the long failing water system or the Commission will institute proceedings under the recently passed Distressed and Failing Water and Wastewater Utilities Improvement Act (W.Va. Code §24-2H-1).

WVAWC had made a proposal to acquire the Page-Kincaid water system.  In today’s Order, the Commission urged WVAWC to expand its offer to include either the acquisition of the District’s existing water treatment plant or other interim arrangement, and strongly urged Page-Kincaid to consider and accept such an offer.

“The customers of Page-Kincaid PSD deserve economical, safe and reliable water service,” stated Public Service Commission Chairman Charlotte Lane.  “After reviewing Page-Kincaid’s management and operations in numerous proceedings during the past two years, the Public Service Commission has concluded that the current Page-Kincaid Board has failed in its duty to its customers.  Enough is enough!”

In 2019, Page-Kincaid PSD applied for a certificate to rehabilitate its water treatment plant in Fayette County at an estimated cost of $3.35 million.  WVAWC intervened in that case and was interested in an alternate arrangement, specifically, either developing a wholesale purchased water agreement with or the acquisition of Page-Kincaid.  The Commission granted Page-Kincaid’s request to withdraw the certificate application based on the parties agreeing to discussions of alternatives to the Page-Kincaid certificate project.  At that time, the Commission stressed the necessity of achieving a solution.  Page-Kincaid later took the position that it would only consider a proposal from WVAWC to buy both the water and sewer systems.  Discussions subsequently broke down between the parties.  Over the past year, the Commission has received many formal complaints and a petition signed by approximately 400 residents complaining about poor water service and the high rates of Page-Kincaid PSD.  Many of those residents specifically requested the water system be taken over by a responsible utility. The Commission had repeatedly been promised that these problems were being resolved.

Page-Kincaid PSD serves approximately 639 water customers and 400 sewer customers in Fayette County.  More information on the case and the complete Order may be obtained from the PSC website: by referencing Case No. 20-0397-PWD-GI.

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