Fayette County wants your input on Comprehensive Plan

FAYETTE COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – Every 10 years, Fayette County updates its comprehensive plan–a road map for the county to direct future growth and development. And now, the county wants your input.

“The Fayette County Comprehensive Plan is a plan that comes around every 10 years there’s an update, it assesses economic changes in the community, population changes,” says Jenna Grayson, Manager of Strategic Partnerships for the NRG Regional Development Authority.

The plan also looks at county infrastructure, public services, recreation, and natural resources, and it guides public officials on ways to improve them. But, to help create the plan, the county asks the public to give their feedback on 5 of these different areas by taking a survey.

“You can fill out the short survey but there is also an opportunity to go online and fill out a survey,” she says. “There’s a long-form survey, a short-form survey, and a program called Map.Social, http://Map.Social where you can actually map out how you visualize the future as well as any issues.”

25 drop-boxes are set up at different locations throughout Fayette County where people can turn the surveys in. The New River Gorge Regional Development Authority is encouraging community members to take the survey as their opinions are a necessary factor in helping to determine the direction the county is going in the future.

“We hope folks will get involved, we hope folks will come out and share how they feel,” Grayson says. “We need the community’s input, we can’t get into every single corner of the county. You have the power to change your community in the way that you want to see it.”
You can visit the comprehensive plan’s new website for more information.

Drop your surveys in one of the 25 drop box locations around Fayette County before the deadline of Nov. 30.

Active Fitness Center
Anytime Fitness
Cafe 110
Cathedral Cafe
Coal Bucket Coffee
Corner Grill – Pax
Dollar Store – Danese
Fayette County Chamber of Commerce/ NRG CVB
Fayetteville CVB
Fayette County Health Department
Fayetteville Library
Fayetteville Town Hall
Feed Store – Danese
Gateway Center
Montgomery City Hall
New River Health – Scarbro
New River Health – Whipple
Oak Hill Hospital
Oak Hill Library
Oak Hill Town Hall
PSD Gauley Bridge
PSD White Oak
Waterstone Outdoors

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