PAGE, WV (WOAY) – The town of Page has been dealing with poor water quality for years.
The town’s water company has gone through an official investigation, and just last month, the Fayette County Commission unanimously voted to remove all members of the public service district.
A status conference on the issue is scheduled for July 16 of this year, but until then and for likely much longer after, the residents will still have to deal with the poor water quality.
The Vass’s, a couple from the town, have lived there for more than a decade and have been dealing with water issues since then.
“We’ve been here for 11 years and it’s been going on for just about 11 years. The water is not drinkable, it’s not bathable,” Minda Vass said.
According to the Vass’s, the water turns orange and sickly at seemingly random times.
“You never know when it’s gonna turn orange on you. And there’s nothing worse in the world than to be in the shower and have that nasty stuff coming down on you.”
There have been many times that the local water company has put up boil notices for the residents, but boiling water only gets rid of any pathogens in the water, it won’t get rid of any heavy metals which are what’s likely causing the orange color.
“They did post a notice here a while back that we were now under a boil water advisory. I don’t care how much boiling you do to this water, it’s not gonna take the slime out of it.”
On top of all that, the Vass’s have been dealing with water bills that have only gone up in recent months. Their most recent monthly bill was more than $160.
“It’s just that we need some help here. We can’t live like this.”
The water company serves roughly 600 people in the town, and they’ve had many complaints of poor water quality in the past few years, including a petition signed by more than 400 people.
Unfortunately, the residents have no other options for a water company, and even if the current company is replaced, the issues may persist for a long time until the water system is fixed.