FAYETTE COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – As the residents of Page-Kincaid continue to deal with their inconsistent water quality, they are also continuing their fight to be heard as several gathered once again outside of the Page-Kincaid Public Service District to protest.
“We’re just motivated for change. We really are,” Kincaid resident Tammy Skidmore said. “We’re not giving up. We’re not giving in. They get quiet. We just get louder.”
The Public Service Commission in Charleston has given American Water and the Page-Kincaid Public Service District 30 days to come to an agreement or they will force a takeover.
That order came down on August 7, so as we inch closer to that 30-day mark, the people of Page Kincaid, who have been dealing with foul-smelling and discolored water, continue to press on.
After years of fighting in meetings and hearings, this is their third outdoor protest in front of the PSD, some even coming out on special occasions.
“Happy Birthday to me,” Karen Jeffers laughed. “I want clean water.”
But each time they have been doing this more people are coming out.
As the wait continues, those on the picket line expect more of the around 600 customers to come join them.
“The community’s getting more involved. The community wants to see change happen and every time we get out here, it seems like we do have a couple more people out here supporting us,” Skidmore said.
According to the Public Service Commission, they will not make any new orders until the 30 days is up, but they did say West Virginia American Water has put forward a draft of an Interim Water Sales Agreement and Asset Purchase Agreement on August 17.
If you live in the area and need clean water, they have been handing some out at Robson Freewill Baptist from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday.