Oak Hill, WV (WOAY) – The National Association of Black Storytellers (NABS) wants to honor and celebrate Black Appalachian storytellers.
The association is sponsoring the 2023 Black Appalachian Storytellers Fellowship to support black storytellers native to and residing in Appalachian states.
The fellowship is partly funded by Mid Atlantic Arts’ Central Appalachia Living Traditions Program and South Arts as part of the In These Mountains, Central Appalachian Folk Arts and Culture initiative.
NABS will award a $5000 reward to represent fellows in each of the six eligible states and a one-year membership to the association.
Fellows will also receive funds to travel to Salt Lake City, Utah, for the “In the Tradition…” 41st annual national black storytelling festival and conference in November.
The deadline to apply for the fellowship is August 20.
For more information about the National Association of Black Storytellers, visit nabsinc.org.