Mercer County residents: Feb. 7 deadline to apply for Tropical Storm Helene FEMA assistance

MERCER COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – FEMA has given out more than two million dollars to help 1,000 Mercer County residents.

Those who sustained Tropical Storm Helene’s damages have until February 7 to apply for FEMA assistance. For questions, the Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) at Lifeline Church in Princeton will be open through February 14.

“That includes things like basic car repairs and rental assistance, and sometimes immediate needs — money for food, and gas,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Georgeta Dragoiu. “But we don’t know what you’re eligible for unless you come in.”

FEMA has seen a variety of Mercer County needs, including wind damage, some have benefited from rental assistance; it’s a case-by-case basis. For those who have suffered from Helene, the assistance gives them hope.

“That’s why we’re here, right? FEMA is here before, during, and after disasters. I am grateful to the local and state emergency management partners we’ve had, to the media to get the word out,” Dragoiu said. “We wouldn’t have reached this important milestone without you. We want to do as much as we can in the next week that’s left.”

Homeowners, renters, and business owners can also apply (fee-free) for a Small Business Administration (SBA) physical disaster loan by February 7.

“May have some outstanding bills that come through damage wise and they may get a payback from insurance,” said Public Affairs Specialist Jim Accurso, of SBA’s Office of Disaster Recovery and Resilience. “We encourage them to not wait for an insurance settlement or wait to talk to their insurance agent. They can come in and talk to us beforehand.”

No paperwork? It’s still important to ensure you’re in the system before the deadline.

“Even if your application is incomplete. Once you’re in the system, there’s always more time to provide additional documentation, answer any questions, and submit an appeal. So get in the system,” Dragoiu said.

Having a person there to assist and support you through this makes such a difference. If you are awarded an SBA loan, you have 60 days to accept it, and once you get the initial payout…

“Likely about $25,000; we hope to get that to them within three to five days from the time they sign the documents,” said Accurso. “They don’t have to begin to pay it back for 13 months. If they have a year deferred interest-free that first year, it’s kind of like free money.”

Bring all of the documents you think you may need to the DRC at Princeton’s Lifeline Church.

“Copies of your photo ID, copies of deeds, any receipts you have from repairs that you have done,” the Federal Coordinating Officer said. “We will help you through the application process and upload all the documentation.”


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