BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – Two local recording artists Chevy and Wes have come together to put on their first annual Juneteenth celebration in Beckley.
“We want to show the kids their history, just something for the community,” said event organizer Chevy.
June 19, 1865, is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.
“We put it on Facebook the other day, and a lot of people didn’t even know what it was, that’s even more of a reason to have this event. This is just the first year, we’re going to be back again next year and the year after,” said event organizer Wes.
When asked what the inspiration behind the event was, the West Virginia artists agreed it was to pass the knowledge onto the next generation
“They need to know their history and what happened. All they teach them in schools are we were slaves, so we just want to spread awareness and pinpoint exactly what happened,” said Chevy.
Chevy and Wes say the event is not just to have fun, but to help the youth learn more about black history.
“They’re definitely going to get educated. They are going to have fun, but learn stuff too,” said Wes.
“This is a crazy time right now, and I feel like everyone needs to stick together and support each other,” said Chevy.
Chevy and Wes say they plan on hosting more Juneteeth events in the future.