Local businesses affected by worker shortage

FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Businesses all over the nation have had issues finding employees in recent months. The US Chamber of Commerce has even begun to call the issue a crisis.

The shortage has even made its way to West Virginia. In Fayetteville, many local small businesses have had their own share of problems.

Thread, a clothing boutique located downtown, has had to occasionally close up shop due to a shortage of workers.

“I’ve just been trying to find employees to work our schedule and it’s seemingly hard to find somebody to come and stay and work the job throughout,” said the owner Candace Evans.

Thread likes to stay open seven days a week when they have enough staff. The Evans says it’s especially important to stay open that many days during the heavy tourist seasons. She’s down two workers right now, with no luck so far on filling the roles.

“It affects it a lot. A couple of days my store just isn’t open. It’s been a challenge for the small businesses.” 

There are many reasons experts believe to be causing the labor shortage. Some are saying it’s due to a lack of pay and benefits, others believe COVID-19 is still the root cause.

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