Countrymen Communications installs high-speed internet antenna at Carnegie Hall

LEWISBURG, WV (WOAY) – Carnegie Hall and Countrymen Communications have been preparing to install an internet antenna at the hall to provide high-speed internet access to Lewisburg.

The antenna will give those with a line-of-sight of the top of Carnegie Hall access to the WIFI. Installation took place today at Carnegie Hall.

“It will give Countrymen Communications the ability to directly hit their White Sulfur tower,” said Carnegie Hall President/CEO Sara Crickenberger. “That will give internet to us at the hall. And Countrymen is going to donate high speed internet to us, which is fabulous. We’ll share it out on the lawn with the community.”

Those who don’t have sight of Carnegie Hall will be granted access when a signal spreader is installed in early 2021.

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