Today Core and Donate Life West Virginia gave life-saving hope to 500 West Virginians currently on the transplant waiting list by collaborating with Go-Mart to offer registered donors gift cards.
This year marks the third annual West Virginia Donor Day… part of an ongoing effort to encourage organ donation.
According to the Center for Organ Recovery and Education, a new person is added to the national transplant waiting list every ten minutes… and at least seventeen people die daily without receiving an organ transplant that they need.
“We just want people to understand that one day in life they may need an organ or one of their loved ones may need an organ,” said Cheryl King, CORE community outreach. “And you can save a life and your legacy will live on. We consider all of our organ donors to be heroes.”
King said 8/1 signifies the eight lives that one donor can save. She said the heart, lungs, liver, kidney, corneas, skin and tissue can be donated.
You can register as an organ donor at your local DMV, when purchasing a hunting or fishing license, or going online at