BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – Mayor Rob Rappold announced today that Beckley Police Department had received a federal hiring grant, which means the city can now hire five additional full-time officers.
“With the ongoing epidemics in the world, and with the drugs and the crimes associated with it, anytime we can have officers out here being more proactive and active in the community doesn’t do anything but help,” said Deputy Chief Jake Corey.
The grant is providing the City of Beckley with $625,000 for 75 percent salary reimbursement over three years. Deputy Cory says the grant award has come at an excellent time.
“timing is actually pretty good; we actually have a test coming up here soon. Our goal is to get as many employees as we can out of this test, hopefully before the end of summer,” said Corey.
The COPS hiring grant is a competitive award program; only a selective few law enforcement agencies receive the gift. Deputy Chief Cory, who drafted the department needs for the grant, says he’s glad to be apart of the process.
“It’s extremely important; it’s work hard. I do enjoy writing the grants because it does benefit our community; I feel like it’s a pop for me personally. It is a positive impact that I have on my job to be able to do things and actually see a tangible effect. I really enjoy that part of it a lot,” said Corey.
The COPS grant will go into effect this month.