Becoming the next 9th Circuit Court judge is an important job and for Attorney Derrick Lefler it’s an opportunity to serve Mercer County in a different capacity and do all he can to change lives.
“It would be an extraordinary honor… to serve the citizens of Mercer County, to serve the law, to serve the local bar. That is certainly my aspiration,” Lefler said.
Members of the bar and others have encouraged the attorney to consider the position. It’s something he wants and needs to do, he says. He’s covered all types of cases and calls helping people the most rewarding part of his years as a lawyer.
“Helping people in difficult circumstances; helping them navigate difficult circumstances and ideally helping make their lives better,” said Lefler.
He’s practiced law for 32 years, and now the attorney is throwing his hat in the ring for 9th Circuit Court Judge… and pledges to continue that proud tradition of superior quality judges in Mercer County.
When it comes to cases — as a judge one of the challenges Lefler says, is knowing when it’s time to be hard and when it’s time to be compassionate, and finding that balance.
“I don’t think that a judge can be all of one or all of another because every case is unique and presents it’s own challenges,” he said. “That’s one of the things a judge needs to do and it’s one of those things that I think my experience would be a great advantage in understanding when those times are.”
The governor has started a process for an appointment to Judge Derek Swopes unexpired term.
“Obviously if I receive that appointment I will do the job until the election comes and hopefully be doing the job after the election,” said Lefler.