On Sept. 11, 2023, the American Red Cross declared a national blood shortage after supplies dipped nearly 25 percent.
It can take weeks for inventories to rebound when they are low.
That’s why the Beckley Fire Department has partnered with the Beckley Red Cross to collect as many donations as possible.
Blood is life and it’s at critical levels in the United States, so donation is more important than ever.
According to the Red Cross, they need donors of all blood types, especially platelet donors and type O blood donors. Call to make an appointment to give now.
Locally, the Beckley Fire Department has partnered with the Red Cross. Lt. Chris Graham (who’s been donating since high school) calls it a good thing to do because of the dire need for blood — and he is glad they could help sponsor a drive.
“People have accidents, we see trauma all the time, and it is something we can do to give back,” said Graham, Beckley CERT coordinator. “And help someone else when they really need it.”
The Red Cross says every two seconds someone in the US needs blood, donating blood is essential to community health. Raleigh County residents have the opportunity to ‘give something that means something.’
Red Cross blood donations are used for surgery patients, cancer treatment, and traumatic injuries blood loss transfusions.
“It’s a great thing, we try to have a nice open friendly environment,” Graham said. “And if you have high blood pressure they’ll check you; they’ll check hemoglobin levels, but other than that… I think anyone can donate if you’re healthy enough.”
Being able to do the double red (that’s two units of red blood cells are collected) — Cecil Price says is where he can give back the most and with so many car accidents that increases the blood need.
“There is some that’s extreme loss of blood and it’s vital need that everybody donate as much as they can so the blood supply is there,” said the Red Cross disaster volunteer, CERT volunteer and Beaver Volunteer Fire Department.
If you missed today’s event and want to donate blood, contact the Beckley Red Cross Blood Donation Center at 1-800-RED CROSS. You can find them at 200 Industrial Drive.