Oak Hill, WV (WOAY) – New River Community and Technical College will offer a three-week “Fun Fridays: Creative Writing as Play “Writing Workshop starting October 7 for current and aspiring writers. The class meeting will take place via internet conference or phone and will include lectures, time for questions, and group discussions. Tuition is $75, and the registration deadline is September 23. Students will receive conference call numbers and access codes after completing course registration.
Author Belinda Anderson will instruct the course using her writing expertise to help writers sharpen their skills. Anderson has written four books and is an experienced writing teacher. The class will introduce writing concepts through playful prompts teaching students the art of fiction and nonfiction writing. To learn more about Anderson and view her work, visit www.Belinda Anderson.com.
For information on upcoming classes and to register for courses, visit www.newriver.edu/community or contact Gloria Kincaid at 304-793-6101.